101 Jokes 8-in1 boxset

Beskikbaarheid: In voorraad
Formaat: Sagteband
Publikasie datum: 2023-04-01
What is a frog’s favourite fast food? French flies. How can you tell the ocean is friendly? It always waves. Giggle, groan and guffaw with Jaco Jacob’s new humorous series of 101 Jokes books, now available in English! Each book contains tons of jokes that will have you and your friends in stitches.
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Publikasie Datum 01 Apr. 2023
Formaat Sagteband
Taal Engels
Skrywer Jaco Jacobs
Skryf jou eie resensie
Slegs geregistreerde gebruikers kan resensies skryf. teken in of skep 'n rekening
Meer Deur Jaco Jacobs