Battered, Abused, Shamed (EBOEK)

Battered, Abused, Shamed (EBOEK)
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Formaat: EPUB
Publikasie datum: 2016-10-01
Amor van der Westhuyzen, daughter of the infamous Joey Haarhoff who together with the paedophile Gert van Rooyen abducted six young girls, had a childhood from hell. Joey physically, verbally and emotionally battered her only daughter and turned a blind eye when Amor’s own father sexually abused her. Joey was a megalomaniac who manipulated and ruled Amor’s life for decades. Amor continued to suffer due to Joey’s actions, even years after her mother’s death. 
But out of sheer willpower she survived the trauma. Amor is a deeply religious person who put a stop to the cycle of hatred and violence. She wants to give hope to other women who have been broken by those closest to them.

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Publikasie Datum 01 Okt. 2016
Formaat EPUB
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