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Ben and the big game

Beskikbaarheid: In voorraad
Format: Sagteband
Publish date: 2025-03-01
Ben is going to play in his very first rugby match. Just thinking about the game gives Ben a tummy ache. Ben scores an awesome try during the game ... but under the wrong goalposts! His little heart feels very bad because of his mistake, but Daddy reads to him from the children’s Bible that he does not have to feel ashamed of mistakes. Ben and the Big Game is a lovely story that teaches children that everyone makes mistakes sometimes and that it should never get you down, but rather that you should learn from mistakes and always try again.
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Publikasie Datum 01 Mrt. 2025
Formaat Sagteband
Skrywer Johann Strauss (Illustreerder), Zuléka Smit
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Meer Deur Johann Strauss (Illustreerder), Zuléka Smit