Bongi Ballerina

Beskikbaarheid: In voorraad
Formaat: Sagteband
Publikasie datum: 2023-08-01
“Spiders, snakes, ghosts, skeletons, vampires? She loved them all. The scarier the better, in her opinion. But ballerinas? She couldn’t imagine anything worse.” Meet Bongi. She loves aliens. She loves spiders and she loves all sorts of scary stuff! There are only two things Bongi doesn’t like: pink and ballet. So when her mom signs her up for ballet classes for a term, Bongi can’t think of anything worse! But then she comes up with the perfect plan: She’s going to sabotage the class so much that she gets kicked out! Will Bongi be able to weird her way out of tutus and pink leotards or will she learn to love pirouettes and pliés?
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Publikasie Datum 01 Aug. 2023
Formaat Sagteband
Skrywer Kristien Potgieter
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