Colour your life with relationships

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Colour your life with relationships
Beskikbaarheid: In voorraad
Formaat: Sagteband
Publikasie datum: 2021-12-02
Take a few moments and reflect on some of the greatest highlights and some of the most precious moments in your life. The writer is convinced that most of these recollections have something to do with people, people with whom you enjoy a warm, quality relationship. Why is he so convinced? Because life is relationships. God’s DNA is love. He is the God of grace and community. This is who He is and what He does. It is part and parcel of the very nature of God to constantly share Himself with His creation and with all of us. In this wonderful book Johan Smith unearths deep biblical truths about the essence of relationships. He shows us that God is deeply relational, therefore, we need to follow in his footsteps and become passionate about his kind of relationships again. Johan guides us masterfully how to grow and nurture such relationships with God and others in this must-read book!
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Publikasie Datum 02 Des. 2021
Formaat Sagteband
Skrywer Johan Smith
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