Conversations with Influencers (EBOOK)

Conversations with Influencers (EBOOK)
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Formaat: EPUB
Publikasie datum: 2020-01-07
Life has never been better for those who know how to make the most of their interests and their smartphone. Or has it? How do you turn your social media presence into cash, not just free stuff? Once you get selected for paid campaigns, how do you secure repeat business? And, will TikTok still be around in a few years? In Conversations with Influencers, leading, verified influencers, as well as advertising strategists, reveal the secrets, tips, tricks and pitfalls of surfing the waves of the influencer industry. In 2019, interviewer and author Elma Smit was handpicked by two global sporting governing bodies as the face of their World Cup digital content campaigns. As a reporter, she certainly scaled up; yet, she continued to generate more revenue from influencer work. That’s when she decided to speak to others and write about lessons learnt. Because, as marketing guru Seth Godin says, “ideas shared, go up in value”. Interviewees generously share how they’ve handled everything from a very public divorce to becoming a YouTube sensation before graduating from high school, how to bridge the jump from Instagram to TikTok and turn once-off campaigns into monthly retainers.
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Publikasie Datum 07 Jan. 2020
Formaat EPUB
Skrywer E. Smith
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