Flesh and blood (EBOEK)

Flesh and blood (EBOEK)
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Formaat: EPUB
Publikasie datum: 2016-02-01
“But you are women!” 
“Do you really think you can clean up bloody scenes like these?” 
“Many people start similar businesses, but they never last.” 

This was the reaction of sceptical policemen and security officers when they first encountered Eileen de Jager (39) and Roelien Schutte (37). But 15 years and about 7 000 crime scenes later, the Blood Sister’s business, Crime Scene Clean-up, is still flourishing. And they have never had a dissatisfied client. 

Eileen and Roelien are not only known as the Blood Sisters because they are biological sisters, but also due to the fact that cleaning bloody crime scenes is their day job. Suicides. Homicides. The most gruesome farm murders. 

But crime is not always involved. Sometimes the sisters clean up hoarders’ homes – often packed to the ceiling with junk – at other times they help to restore damage caused by fire or floods.

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Publikasie Datum 01 Feb. 2016
Formaat EPUB
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