Listen up! The assembly book every teacher needs

Beskikbaarheid: In voorraad
Format: Sagteband
Publish date: 2024-02-01
Listen Up! is a book for teachers, by teachers. With more than 75 contributions by beloved children’s and YA authors like Alet Steenkamp, Lori-Ann Preston, Sunel Combrinck and Nancy Gaylard, as well as experienced teachers and school principles for use in assemblies, class openings, student gatherings and the staff room, this collection of tried and tested ideas will be a valuable resource for any school and every teacher. The devotionals, stories, activities and skits span a range of themes such as emotional wellbeing, mental health, moral values in line with the Department of Education, contemporary social issues and inspiration. The text is written in a combination of English and Afrikaans, with categories for different age groups as well as the staff room. This is a book that every teacher needs to have!
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Publikasie Datum 01 Feb. 2024
Formaat Sagteband
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Slegs geregistreerde gebruikers kan resensies skryf. teken in of skep 'n rekening
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