Nelly and Sam

Nelly and Sam
Beskikbaarheid: In voorraad
Formaat: Sagteband
Publikasie datum: 2020-01-07

Our wonderful, diverse, colourful country is filled with many deserving stories. A beautifully integral one is the story of friendship and love between children and their nannies. This story is about a little boy Sam and his wonderful, creative and inspiring nanny Nelly. Nelly shares ideas, local history, tradition and culture with Sam. She brings a bit of her world, words and heart into his. Sam in turn, does what all little boys do – he happily joins in the adventure. This particular story revolves around the idea of beletha – the Zulu word for carrying something on your back. By taking their dinosaurs for a picnic, Nelly teaches Sam the art of beletha and Sam comes to see that his little life is one worth carrying. This is a story of innocence, love and care that connects us across backgrounds.

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Publikasie Datum 07 Jan. 2020
Formaat Sagteband
Taal Engels
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