Tippie write-and-wipe, book 4: Letter formation

Beskikbaarheid: In voorraad
Format: Sagteband
Publish date: 2024-02-01
This series was developed in collaboration with an occupational therapist to include various early fine motor and visio-motor integration skills. The series consists of five titles that progress sequentially to teach writing and visual perceptual skills. The Tippie write and wipe series includes a variety of skilfully hidden curriculum outcomes, with visual structure for a clear beginning and end. A structured approach with a focus on left to right and top to bottom is also taught from the beginning. Tippie makes it easy to learn in an age-appropriate and child-centred manner.
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Publikasie Datum 01 Feb. 2024
Formaat Sagteband
Tags Tippie
Skrywer Jose Palmer
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